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Health Benefits of Copper

Copper is the oldest metal known to Mankind, it's versatility knows no bounds. 

According to ancient Egyptian medical texts (Papyrus), Copper was used for sterilizing chest wounds and sterilize drinking water. 

Ayurveda is another healing practice, which dates back 5000 years, and the basis of all medication in India. The Ayurveda constitution is based on "Inner balance and healing".

According to Ayurveda, drinking Copper enriched water (Alkaline) first thing in the morning is known to balance and ensures proper functioning of the body. 

Scientific fact, when water is stored in a copper vessel over eight hours, small quantities of copper get dissolved in this water. This process is called the “Oligodynamic effect” and can destroy a wide range of harmful microbes, molds, fungi, etc. due to the toxic effect it has on living cells.

This positively charged water is extremely good for health. Even though sometimes it may taste a bit odd, it is worth noting that this water never becomes stale and can be stored for a long time.

Water stored in copper vessels has several health benefits; some of the most widely recognized ones include:

  • Stimulates brain function
    • Promotes digestion
    • Boosts bone strength
    • Regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland
    • Combats arthritis and joint pain
    • Boosts skin health
    • Regulates body fat
    • Improves fertility
    • Slows the process of aging
    • Helps efficiently heal wounds
    • Improves cardiovascular health
    • Acts as an anti-carcinogenic