All orders will be shipped on 23rd Sep.

Our Story

Hey there, Thanks for stopping by and wanting to read about Vurth 

My story is simple and had plain logic behind it's inception. 

I started this store when the pandemic hit us, and just like most of you, I was constantly thinking of how to keep my loved ones safe, keep my house virus and bacteria-free (all while balancing a glass of wine in one hand and my sanity in the other!) 

It's during one of those endless searches on Google, I stumbled upon this gorgeous metal Copper and realized that not only does it self-disinfect (Proven!). It also provides tonnes of health benefits, works as a flavour enhancer for cocktails and is sustainable. (Perfect blend!)

The idea of Vurth was born purely out of this luxury concoction. 

From that moment, I decided to promote products crafted from this noble metal and leave the decision to you (responsible adults!), either to utilise it for health, those yummy cocktails or to simply add a dazzling pretty thing to your home, that would last for generations.

Fast forward to now, My team and I are constantly working towards designing cool new products, keeping in mind our principles of luxury, functionality and ofcourse sustainability.

Simi x